What is AI, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning? - SSTTEK

What is AI, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning?

Artificial intelligence (AI) tools such as BardAI and ChatGPT have become our favorite helpers in both our business and personal lives. How much do you really know about AI, though? You may have heard the terms machine learning and deep learning, but do you know what they really mean? Let’s look at them in detail. 

The Difference Between AI, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning 

AI refers to the development of computer programs that perform tasks in a similar way to human intelligence. AI technologies are designed to mimic human cognitive abilities, which allows machines to solve problems, process information and adapt to various situations. 

AI encompasses various techniques and approaches, such as machine learning and deep learning. Machine learning is an AI subset that creates algorithms and models to help computers improve their performance at a particular task. Machine learning models do not need to be explicitly programmed. Instead, they use data to learn automatically patterns, features, and relationships within the data, and make predictions or make decisions based on this learning. 

Deep learning is an artificial intelligence method that uses machine learning to predict outcomes from a dataset. Deep learning has been proven to be highly effective for a variety of tasks, including image and speech processing, natural language processing, and playing games. 

These concepts are deeply connected to each other and are expected to have broader areas of usage to make our lives easier. However, they still are distinct concepts of the computer science field, and knowing the differences between them is necessary for adapting to the rapidly developing technologies in the software world. If you are interested in computer science and want to delve into the software industry, you can take your first step by enrolling in SSTTEK Academy’s training programs. We offer precisely prepared bootcamps in the fields of front-end development, back-end development, business analysis, product ownership and digital marketing.  

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